Drayton Morley

The Voice You Need

“Drayton is a consummate pro who gets the results with the minimum of fuss. A delight to work with.”

All the Bases Covered...

Television, on-line, or radio commercials, corporate in-house recordings, artistic character portrayals and telephony systems…

Just some of the mediums in which my voice will give you the edge you are looking for.

Camera lens pointing
radio studio
thumbs up business suit
phone with mannekin
Telephony systems

Why me?

A complete professional

I get the results with the minimum
of time and effort

Drayton Morley Flash photo 2 cropped enhanced vignette bw
Talent and experience

Over fifteen years as a voice over artist means I deliver

Drayton Morley Flash photo 1 enhanced cropped vignette bw
I work where and when it suits you

I am equally proficient working in a professional sound studio or remotely from my home studio. Utilising the power of SOURCE CONNECT I am able to record where and when my clients require it.

Blackhawk Pet food TVC voiceover

Warm, seductive tones are on display in this recent television commercial. My ability to tap into the emotive heart of a read is one of my unique talents as a voice over artist.

Drayton Morley

The Voice You Need