
My Current Voice Demo

Have a listen to my current voice over demo. Download it if you like!

Some other Samples of my work

Below are sample demos of some of the voice overs I have done for television and radio.


Blackhawk Pet Food TVC
GIO Insurance TVC


"Finding Australia's Tarzan"
(ABC - Radio National)

In this dramatised documentary I am the voice of Australia's own version of Tarzan

"Why do we hate the Crow"
(ABC - Radio National)

I read Gabrielle Bryden's poem about the enigmatic bird on ABC Radio National "Why do we hate the crow... just had to be read in a good strong Aussie accent – Drayton Morley did the readings for us here!" - Gretchen Miller, Producer

Telephony systems

"Stay on the line"

An example recording of a prompt to stay on the line

"Thank you for calling"

An example of a thank you message with menu selection

"Medical Emergency Message"

An example of a what to do in case of emergency message

Why me?

I produce the results that my clients are looking for. My work history is varied and extensive.

What You Get

A professional who is totally committed to achieving the results you are looking for.